Lions & Horses in Cromer!

The team at our fab Hughes Plus store in Cromer have recently supported their local Lions Club Race night event, at the Morley Club in Sheringham.  As co-sponsors, the team arranged the loan of a large screen TV and a player for the night and used their social media outlets to help promote the event. WeContinue reading “Lions & Horses in Cromer!”

And now, for something completely different…

(CAUTION: may contain excessive use of exclamation marks!) Despite my love of all things Christmassy and traditional there are times when you just hark after something a bit… different.  Sure, I too will waste several bottles of good red wine by, to all intents and purposes, lobbing it in a pan with some pot pourriContinue reading “And now, for something completely different…”

Hello from Halesworth!

June is going to be an action packed month in Halesworth, with Hughes playing a big part in the festivities. We are proudly sponsoring Halesworth Museum who are holding a series of exhibitions and street events in a project designed to transport visitors back to the 1970’s, (by evoking sentimental memories not through actual time travelContinue reading “Hello from Halesworth!”

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